As a volunteer-run initiative, we organize monthly sumo training for all bodies, experiences and genders in Vancouver, B.C. We also organize the annual sumo tournament and exhibition at Powell Street Festival. Beyond this, we offer occasional workshops with local organizations and we are currently organizing our first indoor sumo exhibition!
Donations will allow us to:
- Facilitate low-cost, low-barrier workshops and/or subsidized drop-in tickets for community members who may not typically have access to sumo in North America, including:
- Queer, trans, non-binary and/or gender-diverse folks
- Black and/or Indigenous folks
- People of the global majority
- Japanese Canadian and Nikkei descendants
- Women
- Purchase materials + hire local talent to sew additional mawashi (sumo belts) for participant use
- Maintain the care of our dohyo (sumo ring)
- Offer honoraria for our training and support team as we grow, offering more drop-in sessions and opportunities for sumo in Vancouver
Please note, we are currently a non-registered, grassroots initiative and cannot offer tax receipts at this time. Any and all donations are appreciated.